During the course of his journey of life Lord Buddha found a solution of this complex problem of life and propounded his philosophy of middle path which he defines as a path of moderation between the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification. He says, our life is like the strings of Veena (Lute), the music comes only when the strings are neither too loose nor too tight, but just in the middle." This, according to Buddha, is the path of wisdom.
It's equally enlightening to know how
some other luminaries opined on keeping a balance in our own life:
- Aristotle says, "For both excessive and insufficient exercise destroy
one's strength, and both eating & drinking too much or too little
destroy health, whereas the right quantity produces, increases or
preserves it. So, it is the same with temperance, courage & other
virtues... This much then is clear: in all our conduct it is the mean that
is to be commended."
- Zig Ziglar says, "I believe that being successful means having a balance
of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be
considered successful in your business life, if your home life is in
- Gordon B. Hinckley says, "The
major work of the world is not done by geniuses. It is done by ordinary
people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an
extraordinary manner."

We all have 24 hours a day, we all are social human being, we all have certain ambitions/ aspirations /wishes in life, we all have certain obligations/ duties/ jobs which we wish to perform or are required to perform. Now, the question which comes to our fore more often than not, is how to manage this 24 hours properly to do at least reasonable justice to what is stated herein above? How to strike that delicate, yet effective balance between the various activities that we are to perform during that fixed cycle of 24 hours?
We may do the following : Divide 24
hours in three parts with occasional reallocation of plus/minus 10 to 15%
depending upon some urgent requirements: 8 hours for vocation or profession or
job etc., 8 hours with your family & friends for social, cultural,
spiritual and/or other extracurricular activities and remaining 8 hours
for your rest including sleep. Yes, while following this routine, sincerity of
purpose should get its due honour.
As always, I'm keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.
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