It is interesting and very pleasing to know that you are the single unique piece of individual in the whole universe among the 7000 million people. Not only this amount of uniqueness you command, but also as per the medical facts, you can’t have another ‘YOU' even among 3 lakh billion people. Isn't it quite unique and amazing? Then, why not do what you know and decide in best of your judgment is right. After all, कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे, लोगों का काम है कहना...(People will say something whatever you do, normally people react this way...)
Think of Abraham Lincoln or Mahatma Gandhi or Swami Vivekananda or Albert Einstein or Mother Teresa or other great legends for a moment and browse through their book of life. Lincoln failed in business twice at the age of 21 and 24, had lost his wife at the age of 26; lost election of Senate and Congress a few times - the last being at the age of 49. But, he was Lincoln and had intense passion for doing something worthwhile in his own way. So he kept on doing his best and finally he won the American Presidential election at the age of 52 and had the honour of being the greatest change agent in American history.
Now, see what happened with Gandhiji. At the age of 24, he set sail for South Africa in 1893 as the legal representative of Indian Muslim businessmen. In June 1893 while travelling in a train in South Africa with a valid first class train ticket, he was thrown out of the train at Pietermaritzburg station, which Gandhiji resisted in all possible ways. The fire for seeking justice there through Satyagraha, historians say, was the turning point in Gandhiji's life and was the driving force that led to his unique fight against the mighty colonial British rule.
The biographies of all great men make you realise that every one of them lived their own life in their own way. True, it is neither very easy nor so difficult to live as you think right for you. Yes, for that to happen, one must follow some value system in life. If possible, lend a few moments to what is written below:
• Think loudly every day that you are born with divinity.
• You are a potential high performer.
• Love yourself in both prosperity and adversity.
• Know your strength to consolidate and weakness to diminish.
• Do the right thing passionately right away.
• Stop blaming others for your own mistakes.
• Thank the Almighty, parents, and teachers for their blessings.
• Try to live with nature
• Have passion for doing something good for the have-nots.
Lastly, my small poem for you.
पहले खुद को जानो, तभी खुदा मिलेंगे;
नहीं तो, खुदा तुमसे जुदा रहेंगे;
पहले खुद से प्यार करो, जमाने से प्यार हो जायेगा;
फिर तो तुम्हारा जीवन खुशियों से भर जायेगा ।
पहले खुद को जानो, तभी खुदा मिलेंगे;
नहीं तो, खुदा तुमसे जुदा रहेंगे;
पहले खुद से प्यार करो, जमाने से प्यार हो जायेगा;
फिर तो तुम्हारा जीवन खुशियों से भर जायेगा ।
(Know yourself first, then only you can find the God;
otherwise, God will be away from you;
Love yourself first, then only you can love the world;
If you can do this, your life would be filled with joy)
As always, I'm keen to know what you think on this subject. Hence, request you to post comments to share your views and experiences.
The author has tried to put all the facts which most of us know but mostly ignore to apply in our day to day life & deprive ourslves of the real pleasure of life . I find the article worth reading & practicing, thanks Milan jee.